BLACK GIRL DAD WEEK is a week of activities & events designed to create memories of black men supporting black women and girls. Research demonstrates that strong father-daughter relationships lead to happier and healthier women. The presence of supportive fathers in a daughter’s life can have a huge impact on a girl’s self-esteem , academic and career success, and relationships. Black Girls & Black Women want and need Fathers & Partners in their lives.

Be a confident man

Step Up Ohio

Changing Our World by Focusing on Our Youth

We provide evidence-based research, program evaluation, and quality trainings to increase the competencies of professionals who work with men and boys.

We provide evidence-based research, program evaluation, and quality trainings to increase the competencies of professionals who work with men and boys.

Walking is a lifestyle and way of life

Walking Support Groups For Men

Research shows that a mere 10 minutes out in a nature increased happiness and lessened physical and mental stress according to a 2020 Cornell University study. A 2018 study demonstrated that when people were out in nature, they tend to become calmer and they develop social identities like a sense of community and shared sense of purpose and belonging. Yet, 72% of people that participated in outdoor recreational activities in 2020 were white compared to only 9% of Black and African Americans.  Research has also found that walking groups are safe, effective,  and provide a variety of health benefits.
