
Our mission is to grow stronger communities by focusing on the unique opportunities of working with men and boys in our society.


The Center For Men & Boysis rooted in the vision of founder and Executive Director Jewel Woods.


At the Center For Men & Boys, we have a vision that in the 21st Century, all men and boys can be engaged in community life.

What we think, we become

Our Mission

Empower And Hold Accountable

Our mission is to grow stronger communities by focusing on the unique opportunities of working with men and boys in our society. We offer quality trainings, research, evaluation reports, and a wide variety of experiences for individuals, groups, and organizations to increase their knowledge and skills for working with males.

We believe that women and girls expect respect, and deserve real partnerships with men and boys based the shared value of gender equality. Our mission is to empower and hold accountable men and boys as individuals and groups, while also holding society accountable to men and boys.

With your help and support, we can do both.

Be a confident man

Our Vision

Engaged In Community Life

At the Center For Men & Boys, we have a vision that in the 21st Century, all men and boys can be engaged in community life, educated to respond to the challenges of a changing world, and involved in efforts to protect and promote the safety of themselves and women and girls.

We firmly believe that men and boys have a role to play in making the world a more equitable and just place to live. Society cannot achieve equality between the sexes without focusing on the unique challenges that men and boys face. Our trainings, research reports, and other supportive services are designed to both empower men and boys and hold them accountable. We are unique in our analysis, timely in our focus, and innovative in our approaches of getting men and boys involved in community life.

In order for men and boys to achieve their potential and become the productive citizens we expect them to be, institutions, organizations, and individuals must possess the knowledge base, skills, and attitudes to work ethically and effectively with the men and boys. We encourage all aspects of American society to donate, volunteer, and partner with the Center For Men & Boys, recognizing that it is only through such collaborations that our future is passed onto the next generation.


Changing Our World by Focusing on Men & Boys

The Center For Men & Boysis rooted in the vision of founder and Executive Director Jewel Woods. Through his experiences as a community organizer, graduate student, and social worker, Jewel came to believe in the importance of a national organization focused on men and boys combining the elements of organizations like the National Organization of Women, the Center for Community Change, and the Joint Center for Political and Economic Policy. Such a hybrid organization is the most effective way to provide the combination of gender-based social and political activism, community-based technical assistance, and research evaluation and analysis to meet the challenges faced in modern society. In 2005, Jewel was awarded a New Voices Fellowship to found Men Overcoming Violence Through Empowerment (MOVE), and find creative ways to get men involved in social justice movements aimed at ending violence against women, particularly in communities of color. Several years of intensive efforts to inspire, motivate, and empower men to get involved in social welfare and social justice issues through MOVE clarified the need for a more comprehensive organization like the Center For Men & Boys.


CMB’s unique purpose and perspective is based on a set of core values

Social Justice We believe in social change on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups in society. We support all efforts to transform cultural attitudes and beliefs that sustain unequal power relationships of men over women and between men and men in order to create a more just world.

Feminism We believe in the social, political, and economic equality of women and actively work to promote gender equity.

Competency We believe that all professionals who have contact with men and boys should have a basic knowledge of human, behavioral, social, and environmental impacts on male development.

Dignity We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of all men and boys.

Believe In Men’s Ability To Change


 Believe in men’s ability to change

  • Believe in men's ability to change
  • Recognize that men have a gender
  • Understand that masculinities are created and change over time, produced, and are not "essential" or “natural”
  • Emphasize men's relationships to power
  • Promote collaborative and reciprocal relationships between men, women, girls and boys
  • Discover multiple ways of learning, knowing, and interacting with men and boys
  • Demonstrate that the personal is political in the lives of men and boys
  • Adapted from Baker, Butter, Reed, and Sutton " Alternative Approaches to Integrating Theory and Practice" (92) & Handbook for Men & Masculinities.(Kimmel, Hearn,Connell,2005)